Please watch the video (till 1.40) and fill the gaps in the song:

Blue "Curtain Falls"

bright, way, life, come, try, doubt, made, game, old,  night, told, together, outside, remember, fears, between, curtain, fall, ago, know, feel, 

We ... from humble beginnings and
Who could have guessed it when
You sit and ... it and things ain't all that ...
But ... it through the ..., oh
It's like a ... of truth or dare
If you can make it here you'll make it anywhere
That's what we've been ...
But the story's getting ...
... we faced the cold ...
No one can say we didn't ...
And I will never give you up or let you go
Together we faced our final fears
... the moments that we shared
That's why I'll never give you up or let you go
We'll be ready when the ... might ...
... my heart beating when the crowd calls
I gotta read ... the lines
'Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
'Cuz we all got a part we must play
And I've done it but I've done it my way
I gotta read between the lines
Oh in the script of my life...