Vocabulary "Telephone"

WordExample sentenceMeaning
answer verb   I phoned the shop but nobody answered so I guess they're closed.to take the call and speak after a phone has rung
busy (AmE) or
engaged (BrE)
If the line's busy and you can't get through, call again later.            already being used, of a telephone line or number
call verb           If you need a lift home, call me and I'll come and get you.               to try to contact someone by phone                          
charge or
recharge    verb
Don't forget to charge your phone before you leave home.          to connect a smartphone etc. to an electricity source
to add power to its battery
I'm having a conference call with some old friends tonight.        a telephone call in which three or more people can
hear and speak with one another
dial verb                Are you sure you dialled the right number?                                   to press numbers on a landline phone
or touch numbers on a smartphone keypad to call
hang up verb       Someone called, but as soon as they heard my voice they           
hung up.
to end a telephone call                                                 
line or
connection noun
The line was really bad so I called again to get a better                
a telephone connection used to make a voice call
missed call nounI check my missed calls every night in case I've missed an          
important one.
a call that wasn't answered                                        
pick up verb         The phone rang and everybody stared at it. Then Maria slowly   
picked it up.        
to answer a landline phone by lifting the receiver
return a call or
call sb back verb
He didn't return my call, so I knew something was wrong.          to telephone someone who tried to telephone you
save verb                Don't forget to save his number if he calls again.                         to keep a phone number on a smartphone              

Telephone Vocabulary Quiz

1. If someone leaves you a message on voicemail, you have to _______ it.

listen to

2. I'm sorry, but I really have to take this


3. We don't speak on the phone much because _______ each other is cheaper.


4. If I really like a song, I make it my phone's

dial tone
pick-up tone

5. I'm busy right now. Can you _______ later?

hang up
call back
call through

6. To use the phone in your hotel room, you have to _______ "0" for the operator first.

pick up

7. Maria's not here just now. Would you like her to _______ your call?


8. A telephone call in which three or more people can hear and speak with one another is a

conference call
busy signal

Telephone Phrases

Here are some common phrases and sentences you can use when speaking on the telephone. The informal phrases are mostly for family and friends. The formal phrases are for business.

Answering the phone (informal)

  • Hello. Matt here. (caller unknown)
  • Hi, Jody. How are you?

Answering the phone (formal)

  • Hello? Serena speaking. (caller unknown)
  • John Sayles speaking. Who's calling, please? (caller unknown)
  • Hello Maria. Nice to hear from you.
  • Hello Dr Jones. How can I help you?

Introducing yourself

  • Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)
  • Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.

Asking to speak with someone

  • Hi. Is Nina there? (informal)
  • Can I talk to Josef? Tell him Marilyn's calling. (informal)
  • May I speak to Mr. Green in the accounting department, please?

Connecting someone

  • Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)
  • One moment please. I'll see if he's available.
  • Hold the line please. I'll put you through in a moment.

Making a request

  • Could you please repeat that?
  • Would you mind spelling that for me?
  • Could you speak up a little, please?
  • Can you speak a little slower, please. My English isn't very good, I'm afraid.

Taking a message

  • Can I take a message?
  • Would you like to leave a message?
  • I'm sorry, but Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?
  • She's busy right now. Would you like her to return your call?
  • He's in a meeting at the moment. Can he call you back when he's free?

Phone Practice: Ordering a Pizza

Read the phone conversation below. Angie Smith is calling Pepi's Pizza for a pizza delivery at home. Fill in the missing words.

Hostess: Pepi's Pizza. How can I you?

Customer: Hi. I'd like to order a pizza please.

Hostess: Okay. I'll have to transfer your call to our take-out department. moment please.

Recorded Message: Thank you for calling Pepi's Pizza. All of our operators are busy . Please hold for the next available person.

Take-out Clerk: Thank you for waiting. Naoko . Is this for take-out or delivery?

Customer: Delivery please.

Take-out Clerk: Can I have your name and address please?

Customer: My name is...

Take-out Clerk: Sorry, it's really busy in here. Could you a little please?

Customer: Oh, sure. This is Angie Smith. My address is number two Front Street.

Take-out Clerk: Is that an apartment or a house?

Customers: It's an apartment. Number seventeen.

Take-out Clerk: Okay. And what would you like to order today?

Customer: I'd like a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, olives and extra cheese.

Take-out Clerk: I'm sorry, my English isn't . Could you slow down a little please?

Customer: No problem. That's a large pizza.

Take-out Clerk: Large pizza. Okay.

Customer: And I'd like it with pepperoni and mushrooms.

Take-out Clerk: Pepperoni and mushrooms. Is there anything else?

Customer: Yes, olives and extra cheese please.

Take-out Clerk: Okay. I've .

Customer: Great. And how long will that be?

Take-out Clerk: It will be about thirty minutes, Miss Smith.

Customer: And how much will it cost?

Take-out Clerk: Um--could you please while I check with the kitchen?

Customer: Don't worry about it. I have to go. I have another call . Thank you. Bye for now.

Read the telephone conversation below. Thelma is phoning her dental clinic to make an appointment with her dentist. Fill in the missing words 

Receptionist: Thank you for phoning Maple Dental Clinic. Sylvia . How can I help you?

Thelma: Hi Sylvia. Thelma Woods calling. How are you today?

Receptionist: I'm fine Mrs. Woods. How are you?

Thelma: Well, actually, I have a bit of a sore tooth. I was hoping Dr. Morris would have some time to see me this week.

Receptionist: I'm he's booked this week. I can put you in for 2pm next Tuesday. How does that sound?

Thelma: That would be great.

Receptionist: I'll have to give you the address of our new office.

Thelma: Oh, that's right, you moved.

Receptionist: Yes, we moved downtown. Do you have a ?

Thelma: Could you hold on a please? ... Okay, go ahead Sylvia.

Receptionist: Okay, we are at 723 Baltic Avenue. Suite 004.

Thelma: spelling that for me?

Receptionist: Sure. That's seven-twenty-three "Baltic" ... B , A for Alpha, L for Lima, T for Tango, I for India, and C for Charlie. And it's suite zero zero four.

Thelma: Okay great. I'll see you on Tuesday then.

Receptionist: Okay. calling. See you then.

Thelma: Thanks. Bye.

Dictation: Telephone 1 | Listening | EnglishClub