Repeat vocabulary to the topic "At the airport"

1. Translate

  • Can I have your ticket, please?
  • May I see your passport, please?
  • Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
  • Do you have any baggage?
  • What is your final destination?
  • Would you like to upgrade to business or first class?
  • Do you need any help getting to the gate?

2. Complete the dialogue

Passenger service agent: Good morning. Can I have your ..., please?
Passenger: Here you are.
Passenger service agent: Would you like a ... or an ... seat?
Passenger: An aisle seat, please.
Passenger service agent: Do you have any ...?
Passenger: Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.
Passenger service agent: Here's your … pass. Have a nice flight.
Passenger: Thank you.