1. Verb to be

Alicia is free in the evening

We are very busy right now

I am at home

The new film is boring

 You are hardworking

2. Verb to be: questions & short answers

Was it cold yesterday?

Are you 18 years old?

Is your father 40 years old?

3. Comparative & superlative

short, large, beautiful, difficult, complicate, old, good, clean, thin, have, 

4. Enter the right form of adjective:

She is ... (good) student in the group. 

Mathematics is ... (difficult) than physics.

You are ... (tall) than your brother

We worked as ... (hard) as our parents.

English is ... (easy) for me than Mathematics.

5. Present Simple / Past Simple / Future Simple

attend, go, enter, work,  take, receive, be, get, have, know, do, listen, begin, 

He ... the university this year.

You ... the exam next month.

... you ... a letter from your parents?

Students ... all the lectures.

I ... good at Mathematics.

We ... not ...  to the cinema.

My friends ... in the summer.

... they ... the books from the library?

Monica ... breakfast every day at 7h00.

I ... many English words

.... you ... to the university at 9h00?

The lecture .... at 9h30.

We ... to the pop music.

I ... my homework every day till 20h00.