Present progressive

Am/is/are + -ing is the present continuous

1. We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially with these verbs:

 get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start

Is your English getting better? (not Does your English get better)
The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases)

2. Signal words today / this week / this year/ at the moment / right now / now / look

The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes with which?

1 Please don't make so much noise.                                a It's getting late. 
2 I need to eat something soon.                                        b They're lying. 
3 I don't have anywhere to live right now.                       c It's starting to rain. 
4 We need to leave soon.                                                   d They're trying to sell it. 
5 They don't need their car any more.                             e I'm getting hungry. 
6 Things are not so good at work.                                     f I'm trying to work. 
7 It isn't true what they said.                                              g I'm looking for an apartment. 
8 We're going to get wet.                                                    h The company is losing money. 

Present simple 

I work... but He works… They teach... but My sister teaches ...

1. We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general:

  • Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
  • I usually go away at weekends.
  • The earth goes round the sun.
  • The cafe opens at 7.30 in the morning.

2. Signal words: usually, always, sometimes, seldom, often, today


Complete the sentences using the following verbs:
cause(s) connect(s) drink(s) live(s) open(s) -speak(s) take(s)

1 Tanya ... German very well.
2 I don't often ... coffee.
3 The swimming pool 7.30 every morning.
4 Bad driving ... many accidents.
5 My parents …. in a very small flat.
6 The Olympic Games ... place every four years.
7 The Panama Canal …. the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Present continuous (1 am doing)  
We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking.

The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?

Present simple (I do)

We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly. 

 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. 
2 The water boils. Can you turn it off? 
3 Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. 
The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.
5. I must go now. It gets late. 

6. I usually go to work by car.

7 'Hurry up! It's time to leave/ ‘OK, I come.'

8. Paulis never late. He is always getting to work on time.