1. You (use) my mobile phone!score
  2. My dad (wash) his car.score
  3. It(not rain) today.score
  4. Who(she / chat) to now?score
  5. What(you / do) at the moment?score
  6. We(sit) on the train.score
  7. The students(have) lunch in the canteen.score
  8. 'Are you making dinner?' 'Yes, I.'score

Make the present continuous, positive or negative

1) (I / study at the moment)

2) (I / not / sleep)

3) (you / play badminton tonight)

4) (we / watch TV)

5) (she / not / work in Spain)

6) (he / not / wait for the bus)

7) (they / read)

8) (we / not / go to the cinema tonight)

9) (you / not / read the newspaper)

10) (she / eat chocolate)

11) (I / not / live in Paris)

12) (we / study French)

13) (they / not / leave now)

14) (they / live in London)

15) (he / work in a restaurant now)

16) (I / not / meet my father at four)

17) (she / not / drink tea now)

18) (she / play the guitar)

19) (we / cook)

20) (he / walk to school now)