Read and
translate the following sentences.
1) We use engineering metals in industry.
2) Iron is a very important engineering metal.
3) All machines consist of metal parts.
4) A machine is an engineering construction.
5) All machines and engineering constructions consist of metal parts.
6) Stone is hard and strong. Its hardness is great, but stone is brittle, not plastic.
7) Stone was the first engineering material.
8) People began to use metals after stone and wood.
9) Metals are much stronger and harder than wood.
10) It was difficult to find metal in the earth and produce an
engineering material.
11) Only metals have a combination of useful engineering properties:
hardness, strength and plasticity.
12) Some metals are strong and hard. Other metals are soft and plastic.
13) Plasticity of metals is very important.
14) Engineering metals are used in the form of alloys.
15) The properties of alloys are better than the properties of pure
16) Strength, hardness, plasticity are the properties of metals.
17) Metals form the most
important and largest group of engineering materials